Opening Hours

  • Burncross Surgery

    Day Opening hours
    Wednesday 12 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Thursday 13 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Friday 14 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Saturday 15 March
    Sunday 16 March
    Monday 17 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Tuesday 18 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    2pm to 6pm
  • High Green Health Centre

    Day Opening hours
    Wednesday 12 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Thursday 13 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Friday 14 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Saturday 15 March
    Sunday 16 March
    Monday 17 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    1:30pm to 6pm
    Tuesday 18 March
    8am to 12:30pm
    2pm to 6pm

High Green Health Centre

Thompson Hill
High Green
S35 4NF

Regular Practice Closure (12:30 - 13:30, Monday, Wed - Friday, 12:30 - 14:00 Tues)

Whilst the Practice is closed to the public the Practice staff are undertaking a number of activities to support the delivery of care to our patients. This includes; clinical staff visiting patients at home, and contacting patients by telephone to provide them with information or return messages.

We are also completing mandatory training, this includes but is not limited to; Anaphylaxis, Chaperoning, Health & Safety, Infection Control, Information Governance and Safeguarding.

Commencing Tuesday 14th May the Practice will be closing every Tuesday from 12.30 - 2pm for a weekly staff meeting.



Extended Hours

We provide extended hours surgeries (outside of normal hours) for those who are not able to attend during normal working hours. Please be aware that these surgeries are for routine appointments only. If you need to be seen as an emergency, you will be redirected to the out of hour’s service.

Early morning surgeries are operated from 07:00 on Tuesdays and Fridays from High Green Health Centre, and Wednesdays from Burncross Surgery.  Burncross Surgery also hosts the Extended Access Hub from 6.30pm until 9.30pm on Mondays and Thursdays *Access to the premises during these times is strictly by appointment only*. More details can be found at 


Protected Learning Initiatives (12:30 - 18:00)

As a practice we are trying to improve our training, therefore you will notice that we are closing on various dates throughout the year. This is to enable doctors, nurses and staff to attend these events. 

On some occasions we do actually re-open our doors, but due to patients who may need a doctor in an emergency our telephone lines have to remain turned over to our Out-of-Hours service provider GP Collaborative, so we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you will appreciate how vital training is to keep abreast of all the changes within the NHS.

Future PLI Dates

PLI Dates upto end of Mar 2025

Tues 11th June 2024 

Tues 17th September 2024

Wed 13th November 2024

Tues 28th Jan 2025

Wed 5th Mar 2025

When We Are Closed

We have arranged for the GP Collaborative to help you with any urgent problems when we are closed. You can call our main switchboard number and you will be put straight through to them or you can call them direct on 0114 2266596 if you feel you need to see a doctor urgently.

What happens?

Initial details will be taken by the call centre staff and then you will be called back by a doctor for a more detailed clinical assessment. If felt necessary by you and the doctor, you may be offered an appointment at the GP centre which is based next to the A&E department at the Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, S5 7AU.

Patients just turning up without going through the proper process of getting an appointment will not be seen.

Who else can help me?

An alternative source of care is the NHS Walk in Centre, Rockingham House, 75 Broad Lane, Sheffield S1 3PB. You can call them on 111, they are open 08:00 – 20:00 365 days a year.

Sheffield residents do not have to change their GP to make an appointment or use the walk-in service. 

Urgent advice: What about A&E?

The A&E department is for people needing EMERGENCY medical attention or who have had an ACCIDENT. Please look at the NHS Choices website for advice on Emergency situations. 

An emergency is a situation where someone is experiencing a loss of consciousness, heavy bleeding, suspected broken bones, chest pain, breathing difficulties, an overdose, has swallowed something harmful, poisoning or has a deep wound.     

Before you go to A&E Think!

  • Is this an emergency/accident?
             • Can I wait and see my GP?
             • Could another GP help me?
             • Would an alternative service be better and quicker?

Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.  

a group of people sitting in chairs

NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.